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"Soy un bicho de la tierra como cualquier ser humano, con cualidades y defectos, con errores y aciertos, -déjenme quedarme así- con mi memoria, ahora que yo soy. No quiero olvidar nada."

José Saramago

jueves, 16 de julio de 2020


ATINER is pleased to announce that the paper “Comparison between the Grammar of Greek Sapphic and Tamil Seppal Songs” authored by Dr. D Pugazhendhi (Associate Professor, Government Arts College, India) has been uploaded on the forthcoming list of papers of the Athens Journal of Philology (AJP). You can read the full paper here: https://www.athensjournals.gr/philology/2020-3558-AJP-LNG.pdf. You are more than welcome to contribute to the eJournal with a scientific paper (publication is free of any costs) and/or present at the Symposium on Literature, 4-5 January 2021, Athens, Greece (https://www.atiner.gr/humlit) or at the 14th Annual International Conference on Literature, 31 May & 1 June 2021, Athens, Greece (https://www.atiner.gr/literature) (entails a registration fee). Due to the synchronous pandemic, ATINER has decided to offer the option of remote (online or pre-recorded) presentations for those who cannot attend in person. If you are interested, please send us your abstract (less than 500 words) including the title of the paper, three keywords, position, affiliation and country. I can send you more information if you are interested.
I am looking forward to your contribution to the works of our Based in Athens World Association of Academics and Researchers.

My best regards,
Dr Zoe Boutsioli
Vice President of Publications, Athens Institute for Education and Research (A World Association of Academics and Researchers).
25 Years of Non-Euclidean Improvement

“Our city is open to the world, we never expel a foreigner from learning or seeing” “τήν τε γὰρ πόλιν κοινὴν παρέχομεν, καὶ οὐκ ἔστιν ὅτε ξενηλασίαις ἀπείργομέν τινά ἢ μαθήματος ἢ θεάματος” Pericles' Funeral Oration from Thucydides, “The Peloponnesian War”.
Come to open to the world Athens to learn about Democracy in the city where its theory was first developed and taught and see the place (phnyx) where it was first practiced.

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